Friday, September 4, 2015


We love our sweet Wes! I love having a newborn in our family. It is hard having a newborn and a toddler, but I'm starting to get the hang of things. Wes is a pretty good baby during the day, doesn't cry very much. But at night it's a different story. He will cry hard from about 8 until midnight. He doesn't fall asleep until about 12:30.  I think he's finally starting to get over it though! (He's 8 weeks now). The past two nights have been SO much better. He doesn't cry nearly as much. And last night he went to sleep a little after 10! He isn't sleeping super long stretches in the night (last night he slept 4 hours straight then another 4 hours.... Two nights ago he was up every 2 hours... A couple times he has slept 6 hours straight) but I'm just glad that he seems to be getting less colicky before bed! It is not fun having your poor baby cry so hard and seem to be in pain. :( 
One month stats
Weight: 9 lbs. 6 oz (20th percentile)
Length: 21 3/4" (30th percentile)

Here are some pictures from since we brought him to the hospital to when he was a month old :) 

I LOVE my Solly Wrap! 

Our good friend Daniel and Jannae Merkley have a cute little girl Rosilyn. I love this picture of them two with their matching blankets :) 

Having two kids has been pretty crazy. But whenever I think it's hard, I think about how much harder it would be having twins or triplets or have 7 kids, etc hahaha. But really it has been an adjustment. Some days aren't very hard and some days are super difficult. Jayne is going through the terrible two's for sure... Every day is an adventure with these kids ha. But I love them SO much it's insane. I am so grateful I get to be their mother :)