Friday, January 15, 2016


We went to the Zoo Lights! It was awesome! Thomas couldn't come because he was filming. 

Wes never fussed at all the whole time we were there. He was in the carrier the whole time with me just looking around, then he fell asleep for the last little bit :) 

Jayne gave him all those toys haha 
We had family pictures taken! Here are some of my favorites. They turned out so good!! James Adams took them. 

Wes, Evelyn and Rosalie! 

My happy boy! He loves to be on the floor playing with toys. 
Jayne helped us put ornaments on the tree :)

No crying kids with Santa! Woo hoo! Jayne was so excited to sit on his lap! 
I love when he wakes up so happy! Sometimes he will just be talking in there for a while after he wakes up. 
Pose! haha. This girl is sassy and dramatic. Wes grabbed her shirt and she said "No Wes! My cupcake gosh!" 

We had a Christmas party with our friends! We ate dinner, talked, did a gift exchanged and played a game :)
We had to bring Wes since he doesn't take a bottle... but it wasn't too bad. Him and his girlfriend Rozzy had fun playing together ;)

I love my stroller! 
Sleeping babies are the sweetest things ever 
I love seeing them together in Jayne's crib :)
Jayne loves the library! 
My mom's side of the family (Smith's) had a family party at a park!
Temple lights! 
We did the nativity with my side of the family at our Christmas party 
Christmas Sunday! 
Us pregnant and then with our babies! So crazy! 

On Christmas Eve we first went to my grandpa and grandma's and had dinner, and then we walked around a nice neighborhood and looked at the lights! 
Merry Christmas!! We had a wonderful Christmas spending time with each other and family. 

He was so interested in the baby on the box haha 

We had a work party for Thomas' old job (Soft Water Swim). It was at his sister Maria's house. They heated the pool and it was so fun! Jayne had a blast. Thomas now works for James Adams for Epic Light Media! I'll talk more on that in the next post. 
Jayne is a busy busy busy girl. She goes from one activity to the next and can get bored so easy. She loves spending time with me so I'm always trying to think of ways to teach her or play with her. 
Jayne loves to go on a walk to see the horses! 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Ok these overalls are the cutest! 
Wes and his cousin, Scarlett! 
I love when he is snuggly! He snuggles more than Jayne did for sure. 

I love being a mom! It is tough. Super tough. Some days are just emotionally draining! Jayne is learning that she can make choices which equals lots of tantrums and naughty behavior! And she hits Wes pretty often... Ahhh!!! Some days I am just DONE before nap time even haha. BUT.... I try and stay positive and focus on the good moments! Jayne is so silly lately and I love that I feel like I can have a conversation with her. Also, Wes is just so sweet. He smiles and laughs constantly. I love my sweet babies and feel so blessed to have them in our home! 
His pose! haha 

We love going places with Grandma Susie and Grandpa Dave 
We met my friend Lynne at Fiiz! Jayne and her daughter Ella are so cute together! 
Wes turned 4 months! He's around 13 pounds, 25" tall, size 2 diapers, 3-6 month clothes, sucks in his bottom lip all the time, loves to play with his feet, loves getting attention, naps in his swing and sleeps in a rock and play at night with a sound machine. We love him even though he keeps us up all night ;) 
Wes and his cousin Rosalie! They are only about a month apart  

We had a fun block party!

Jayne lined up all her books like this
This is how Jayne felt about painting hahaha
Fun playdate with friends at the park! 

Jayne helped feed her cousin Jacob a bottle haha
Jayne is so funny. She loves to line up the chairs at my parents house and tells us where to sit 

Christmas jammies are my favorite!! 

Napping on mommy and daddy's bed! 
I'm so grateful for this guy! I love getting a weekly date night and spending time with him and being goofy! Speaking of goofy, this is us goofy golfing ;) It's one of our favorite dates! 
He is daddy's little buddy! 
Pretending shoes are phones haha 
Ian got baptized! I love this stud! 

Footie jammies are the best!!!! They usually stay in them all day hahaha. Unless we go somewhere 
Classic picture of Grandpa Great holding up Wes! He did this with all his kids, grandkids and not great grandkids. I need to find the one of him holding me like this 
Wes and his cousin Clark! 
Jayne loves playing with Jason and Sarah! 
Some days are rough and the only place he will nap is the carrier. I don't mind the cuddles :) 
We went to the temple lights! We went before Thanksgiving before they officially started, so there was only a few people there! Score! 
We had a great Thanksgiving! We went to my in laws and all family on that side was there and we ate yummy food and hung out, and Jayne napped and after that we went to my grandparents house! 
They had a bounce castle at my grandparent's house! Jayne loved it! (She also got it to herself which was nice haha. Most of the kids were gone because we came later) Now ever since we've been back to their house she asks where the castle is! 

Black Friday shopping is so fun! 
Grandma great, Wes, and my cousin Lyndee's little boy! I love this picture! 

She ran up and hugged me and said cheeeeeese!