Tuesday, July 24, 2012

If You Really Knew Me...

I saw this post on my cousin's blog and I thought it would be fun! 

 If you really knew me.... 

You would know:
I like things to go my way. I know lot's of people are like that, but seriously haha. It's been hard adjusting living with a boy who is not very good at putting dirty clothes where they belong... leaving crumbs all over the table... etc. Haha I have learned the hard way that I can't always have things to go my way. I have learned I need to be patient and not freak out over little things. Sometimes I would rather do a chore than have Thomas do it, even though I know he would, but I'd rather do it so I can make sure it gets done right. Haha oh gosh.... I'm ridiculous. I have a lot to learn :) 

You would know:
I am so excited to be a mom. Ever since I was little I have been excited to be a mom someday. It's crazy to think that I am able to have a baby now. I know I am still young and we will wait a while to have kids, but I seriously don't know how long I'll be able to wait haha. I know that kids are hard of course- they cry, they constantly need attention, they basically make it so you don't have any "you time". But somehow I want that.... I love kids :) 

You would know:
Eating is an obsession. Everything revolves around food. That's basically how it's always been in my family haha. It's great. Well it will be great until the day I weigh 500 pounds... 

You would know:
I am very very very sensitive. Pretty sure my birth control has added to it... but I've always been sensitive. I cry very easily... just ask Thomas haha. One night before we got married I wanted to see him after school, but it was almost 10 and he had to wake up early the next day so he wanted to go to bed, and I was so sad that I cried. Haha I am pretty pathetic I know. 

You would know:
I'm going to school to be a teacher but I probably won't ever teach. Haha maybe I will when my kids are older. But seriously I kind of just want to get my degree and then have a baby.......... :) 

If you really knew Thomas...

You would know:
He is probably the most passionate person I know. He will set his mind on something and stick to it. If he loves doing something, he doesn't just love it, he's passionate about it. He thinks about the things he loves constantly. 

You would know:
Since he was a little boy, he has LOVED to make movies. Check out his youtube videos! He is such a goober. I love him! 

You would know:
He is amazing at the piano. He really is such a talented musician. He easily can make up songs, the arrangement and the words. He proposed to me by writing and singing a song :)

You would know:
He is a pool guy! Yep, he cleans pools for work :) He gets to work outside in the heat... I feel so bad for him! But luckily he only works from about 7:30 until 2 at the latest each day. We get to spend lots of time together everyday when he gets home from work. I love it! 

You would know:
Thomas is so sweet. He is grateful for things he has and things people do for him, and he is just a nice guy. He is also hilarious and so fun to be around! 

If you really knew us...

You would know:
We have been married for 3 months now! Well in 3 days it will be 3 months. Crazy! It has seemed like so much longer than that, though. We love being married and living together! 

You would know:
We are both weird and perfect for each other.... We are both kind of gross, too. Haha I'm glad I could marry someone who loves me for my weird self! I love that we are so comfortable with each other and we can do/say anything around each other. 

You would know:
We love to watch TV and movies together. Pretty much everyday after he gets home is the same: He takes a shower (he gets really stinky and dirty at work... gross) then we cuddle in bed and watch Monk! Haha it's so great. 

You would know:
We cook together a lot. I'm glad I have a husband who is a better cook than me and is willing to help me cook dinner :) haha it's perfect because I don't like cooking and I suck! He makes the best cheese crisps... For reals. I know they are easy to make haha and there's not much to it, but his he makes are so so so yummy. 

You would know:
We say "I love you" like a million times a day... haha maybe it will wear off because we are newlyweds... but we just love each other and we love to tell each other that! 


  1. Love this post!! Just so you know the saying I love you part won't wear off....at least I don't think it should! Michael and I have been married for three and a half years and we still constantly tell the other one we love them. Pretty much anytime we talk, in person, on the phone, through an email or a text! So awesome!

  2. Ah so CUTE! I'm glad you did this too :) You guys are an adorable couple!

    1. Thank you! and thanks for doing it first so I could copy you! haha :)

  3. 11.5 yrs later we still say I love you all the time. Sometimes when we don't have anything to say on the phone we will just say it over and over.

  4. this is a cute idea! i might steal it for my blog. :) p.s. thomas is hilarious! those movies are so funny!

  5. Yes you should steal it! I stole it from my cousin :)
    Haha I know Thomas is such a goober! Glad you like his videos!

  6. oh my gosh you stole the words right out of my mouth with the whole teaching thing.
